R.I.P (TOTSE forever)


Consumer Fireworks

Flash Powder
Flash Powder consists of a Oxidizer and a metal powder. It burns so fast it seems to "flash" out of exsistence. Good quality flash doesnt even have to be fully confined in a tube for it to tear it to shreds. The finer the powder the faster it will burn.(As with any powder.)
       Other metals will be more reactive than others. For example Magnesium(*Mg) is a more reactive metal than Aluminum(Al),so therefore if Mg was to be used in flash it would be more powerful,yet more sensitive.
     Here are some Oxidizers that are useful in flash:
                       Potassium Chlorate
Potassium Perchlorate
                       Potassium Nitrate
                       Potassium Permanganate
                       Sodium Chlorate
Potassium Chlorate- very, very, powerful oxidizer most of the flash compostions with a chlorate will be more powerful, yet more senstive.Also chlorates are sensitive with sulfur and may spontaneous ignite so beware.
Potassium Perchlorate- one of the safest oxidizers, not too sensitive.
Potassium Nitrate- has a tendency to become sensitive and sometimes spontaneously ignite when exposed to Aluminum.But you can fix that problem by adding some Boric Acid to the Comp.
Potassium Permanganate- Permanganate flashes are arguably one of/if not the strongest flashes known to man the big downside is that it reacts to moisture and could ignite without warning.I found my KMNO4 at Sears.
Sodium Chlorate- very hygroscopic(soaks up alot of moisture),so its not that good of a choice for your oxidizer but if its all you got..its also sensitive to sulfur like his Potassium Chlorate brother,if your in the UK you can find it as Weed Killer.
Green Powder
Green Powder is basically Potassium Nitrate, Charcoal, and Sulfur (75/15/10) mixed together not balled milled at all. Of course it burns alot slower than regular BP would burn alone. Doesnt have much use really...good when made into a paste with Dextrin for Blackmatch.
Black Powder
Black Powder is one of the most useful comp. to have in pyro. Its essential,its used to prime stars,make fuse,lift charge,use in rocketry. The common formula for Black Powder is Potassium Nitrate(75%), Charcoal(15%), Sulfur(10%). For use as a lift charge Black Powder needs to be granulated using Dextrin(cooked corn starch).
        There are two common methods in making BP, one is by using a Ball Mill, the other is the CIA Precipitation Method. The most common way people do it is by using the Ball Mill.
A Ball Mill (basically a rock tumbler) is a machine that turns two drive shafts that a container sits on, inside the container are lead weights (because lead doesnt spark) that grind the chemicals into dust.
For good lead weights to use in your Ball Mill try to look for lead fishing weights, or .50cal shot.
Smoke Mix
Smoke mix is very fun to play around with and is also used as a rocket propellant. The common ratios for smoke mix are KNO3/Sugar (50/50) or (60/40). Most people use 60/40 for regular effects for smoke I tend to use 50/50 as it creates a thicker cloud of smoke, 60/40 ratio I use for rockets.
Torpedo Mix
Torpedos were old fireworks that resembled two endcaps glued together with the composition inside.But were soon banned due to the majority of injurys.The ratio is Potassium Chlorate(50%)/Antimony Trisulfide(50%) and some gravel usually inside the endcaps.
Whistle Mix
A very useful composition in Homemade pyro which I use very much it can be found in many different types of consumer fireworks. Like Piccilo Petes,Whistling Petes,Whistling Chasers etc..
        Can be used in fountains,rockets,and salutes. Beware it is quite sensitive do NOT pound whistle mix into tubes,PRESS it into the tube firmly. When pressed into tubes it will make a ear shattering whistle but if a couple grams of composition is ignited by itself it will burn fast. Its made up of Potassium Perchlorate (70%),Sodium Benzonate(30%).
Thermite is a Incendiary. Burns at 3000 degrees Celsius if not more.When ignited its basically impossible to control. Do NOT try to put water on thermite while it is burning...it will not put it out it will instead cause a steam explosion,so please take great care while using Thermite. Thermite is made of usually Iron Oxide (70%)/Aluminum Powder(30%). I have had it burn through/melt through a metal cup so that should tell you how hot it burns.
Golden Powder
Made out of Potassium Nitrate(60%)/Asorbic Acid(Vitamin C)(40%).Basically recrystallize it. It has a higher ignition temp than BP. Dont know too much about this comp.
Flash Powder

The most common chemicals used for high grade flash now-a-days are (70%)Potassium Perchlorate and (30%)600 Mesh Aluminum. Cardboard tubes fear it. Unlike its previous Chlorate compositions, this comp is less sensitive than the chlorates, and most who can purchase flash chems use 70/30 (Perchlorate). One of the safest flash compositions around. For other compositions you can go to the websites page and refer to their lists.